What Could Be Causing My Jaw Pain?

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While jaw pain isn't often a cause for immediate concern, it shouldn't be ignored either. The source of jaw pain can range from dental issues, TMJ disorders, inflammation, and even sinus problems. If you're experiencing tooth pain or you have a tendency to clench or grind your teeth, seek advice from your dentist to get back to pain-free living as soon as possible.

If you've experienced persistent or recurring jaw pain, difficulty chewing, or jaw swelling — consult with your New York dentist. SmilesNY can analyze your bite to rule out any underlying conditions that may be affecting your teeth and jaw muscles. 

Most Common Triggers for Jaw Pain

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) are one of the most common culprits of jaw pain and tenderness. Causes of these disorders can include a jaw injury, grinding or clenching of the teeth, arthritis, or even a misaligned jaw. Stress has also been linked to worsening symptoms. Patients who have noticed a clicking sound when they open their mouths, ringing in their ears, frequent headaches, and dizziness may want to get evaluated for a TMJ disorder.

There is a wide range of dental issues, including wisdom teeth eruption, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity, that can lead to jaw pain. Severe tooth infections, such as dental abscesses, can create intense pain that radiates to the patient's jaw.

Jaw Pain Treatments

One of the quickest at-home remedies for jaw pain relief is to apply ice to the affected area. Moist heat can also help to relax tense muscles and provide temporary pain relief. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, can also help to provide relief from excessive jaw pain before you can schedule an appointment with your dentist or doctor.

Avoiding chewy foods, such as jerky, gum, and candy, is encouraged while you determine what the source of the jaw pain is. These foods can increase the discomfort. Your dentist may recommend a mouthguard to wear at night to prevent grinding. Muscle relaxers may also be prescribed in cases when pain isn't responding to the mouthguard.

Patients with TMD symptoms may benefit from physical therapy, where they will learn jaw relaxation exercises that can help ease symptoms on a long term basis. Disclusion time reduction (DTR) therapy can also be used to treat TMD. Many patients cite improvement after one session, with optimal results occurring between 2-4 therapy treatments.

Suffering from Jaw Pain? Come See Us Today.

At SmilesNY, we know what it's like to suffer from jaw pain. The sensation is especially frustrating when you're not sure what the culprit is. Jaw pain related to dental issues such as toothaches, misaligned teeth, gum disease, or teeth grinding shouldn't be ignored. Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong and our experienced New York staff is here to help alleviate your pain and determine the best treatment for you.

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