What Treatments are Included as Part of a Smile Makeover?

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. If you have concerns about yours, you may not be willing to show off your pearly whites. However, the transformation of a less-than-perfect smile can dramatically improve a person’s self-image and confidence. New York City-area men and women who feel self-conscious about their smile are considering a procedure known as a smile makeover. Whether you have a chipped or cracked tooth, discolored or crooked teeth, a smile makeover can do wonders aesthetically and emotionally. If you have been considering cosmetic and/or restorative dentistry to enhance your smile, the dentists at SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in New York City can help you with a customized smile makeover plan.

What is a smile makeover?

No two smiles are the same. Throughout your life, many factors have impacted your smile in some way, making it a little less perfect than you prefer. Men and women in New York City have turned to the experienced dentists at SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry to develop a customized treatment plan of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures to improve the appearance of their teeth, as well as the overall health of their mouth.

A smile makeover is comprised of various dental procedures such as cosmetic veneers, teeth whitening, dental implants, and straightening through orthodontics. Some treatments focus on maintaining good oral hygiene with the addition of a new filling made of composite resin or porcelain to blend with the existing teeth. Other patients may need more restorative procedures like crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth and protect neighboring ones.

Utilizing advanced dental technology and materials, the skilled dentists at SmilesNY can help men and women in New York City look and feel their best. If you have been considering a smile makeover, the guide below features information about the different types of treatments available for smile enhancement.

1. Professional teeth whitening

Many of your favorite foods and drinks are the culprits for teeth stains and discoloration, such as coffee, tea, berries, and wine. For patients who smoke, the nicotine and tar in tobacco is absorbed into the teeth, causing a yellow or brown discoloration. SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry offers ZOOM! whitening treatments which are an effective and safe solution to brighten your smile that lasts longer than over-the-counter teeth whitening kits. There are multiple ZOOM! options that can be customized based on each patient’s aesthetic goals. Our dentists can also provide at-home teeth whitening kits to enhance and maintain the ZOOM! in-office treatment.

2. Orthodontic treatments

It is not uncommon for adults to experience shifts in the alignment of their teeth as part of the aging process. Crooked teeth or an improper bite can lead to expensive, long-term dental problems. The good news is that bothersome gaps and protruding teeth can be maneuvered back into place without having to wear noticeable metal braces.

Invisalign® employs clear, removable aligners to both straighten and correct overcrowding issues. After a thorough exam, the dentists at SmilesNY can develop a plan for customized aligners that are individually created for each patient’s specific needs. The length of time that New York City men and women use Invisalign aligners varies based on the original position of your teeth and your cosmetic goals, but most patients wear them for about one year. Following treatment, patients may opt to include teeth whitening for a dramatic new smile.

3. Tooth Bonding and Contouring

Dental bonding and contouring improve small cosmetic flaws. They address the shape, texture, size, and appearance of your tooth without drastic alterations. Bonding uses tooth-colored composite resin to camouflage chips and hide stains. Once the bonding material is set, your dentist will polish the composite resin and contour the edges, sculpting its surface. This treatment is fast and less expensive than porcelain veneers, but it does not have the same longevity.

4. Porcelain Veneers

Veneers can dramatically change your smile, turning chipped, cracked, gapped, crooked, and stained teeth into a beautiful, white, straight smile. Veneers are comprised of thin shells of porcelain which are custom created and affixed to the front of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are made to appear like your own natural teeth and, with proper care, can last about 20 years.

5. Bridges and Dental Crowns


For men and women in New York City who are missing a tooth (or teeth), a dental bridge restores the appearance and health of your mouth by covering exposed spaces with a false tooth supported by dental implants, your natural teeth, or a combination of both. Bridges are created using state-of-the-art technology and feature a tooth color that blends naturally with existing teeth to produce a beautiful smile.

Dental Crowns

Typically made from porcelain, a dental crown is a viable option for patients who have severely worn, decayed, weak, or damaged teeth. The crown essentially wraps around the existing damaged tooth, masking it, and is matched to the color of your existing teeth for a seamless look.

How long does a smile makeover last?

Now that you have your beautiful new smile, it is only natural to wonder how long this will last. Many factors may affect the longevity of your new smile. The dentists at SmilesNY are experts at not only creating beautiful smiles but also using the most modern dental technology and materials. For the men and women in New York City who undergo a smile makeover, their new smile is actually stronger than their previous one. Maintaining daily oral hygiene, including proper brushing and flossing, and regular dental visits will help to ensure your smile for many years to come.

When it comes to enhancing your smile, there are many treatment options available. Stop covering up your smile and set up a consultation with one of the skilled dentists at SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in New York City to talk about a smile makeover.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.