Your Hygiene or Your Life

In 2012, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) published a study declaring Periodontal Disease as a Public Health Issue.  One out of every two adults has Periodontal disease, a disease of gum and tooth-supporting bone. As dentists, we see some form of periodontal disease in the vast majority of our patients. Some of the higher risk factors are age, smoking, pregnancy, and general health.

The AAP, or American Academy of Periodontology recommends a “Risk Assessment” at every Hygiene visit.  This Risk Assessment considers “factors that may influence the progression of disease”. The top risk factors are a history of smoking, previous gum disease, not getting REGULAR HYGIENE visits, and poor home care.

WHY DOES THIS ALL MATTER? In 2012 the AAP and the EFP (European Federation for Periodontology) confirmed a significant connection between SYSTEMIC (Medical Diseases) and Periodontal disease. What they found specifically is that the existence of periodontal disease, SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASES THE RISK OF A FUTURE CARDIO- VASCULAR EVENT.  It also increases the risk of Diabetes and the Progression of Diabetes.

At SMILESNY we are very passionate about our hygiene program and keeping patients healthy.  Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 50 percent of all deaths in the United States. We have made the commitment to perform a risk assessment on every hygiene patient.  We can help all of our patients reduce Inflammation and gum disease – a critical risk factor in heart disease.

The following home care instructional videos are excellent ways to improve your Periodontal Health:

Please call 212-752-6537 for your Periodontal Risk Assessment and Meticulous Hygiene Appointment. Your health and future are what is most important.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.